Become a Global Canopy Partner

We are proud to have the trust of a close circle of forward-thinking donors, who have supported us to get innovations off the ground. Their investments have been leveraged many times over by subsequent large-scale funding from major institutional donors – including the governments of Switzerland, Norway, Germany and the UK.

Join us in providing the vital seed capital in our Development Fund, that enables us to move forward on critical innovations like the TNFD.

Global Canopy Partners:

  • Pledge a minimum of £10,000 towards our ground breaking work to reverse deforestation and its impact on climate and nature.
  • Receive invitations to exclusive briefings and private events featuring programme developments.
  • Have opportunities to visit the Global Canopy office where our expert staff can give you a personal introduction to the data we produce, how it is used and the new tools in development.

If you would like to learn more about this special group of donors, please contact our Development team on +44 (0) 1865 724333 or by email at [email protected].

Our supporters

  • Ardevora logo
  • EKCT logo web
  • GWF logo web
  • Still Water logo
  • Waterloo logo

The Constance Travis Charitable Trust

Foundation for the Promotion of Wellbeing

J Leon

The Millichope Foundation

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