What we do

Learn how we're combatting this

Palm oil plantation in Indonesia iStock-1171671137

Our special focus is on ending deforestation – an essential step in achieving urgent global goals on climate, nature and human rights. To do this we target the finance sector as a powerful entry and leverage point for driving change across the system as a whole.

We have partnered with leading research institutions worldwide to develop a portfolio of groundbreaking environmental data initiatives, including ENCORE, Forest 500, Forest IQ, the Taskforce on Nature-related Financial Disclosures (TNFD) (for which we are a Founding Partner), and Trase.

Our data, metrics and insights are enabling companies, financial institutions and governments to understand and tackle their sustainability risks – while at the same time enabling campaigners and the media to hold to account those that are failing to act.

In 2023, the world lost

3.7 million hectares of tropical forest

– the equivalent of losing 10 football pitches every minute.

Photo of all speakers on stage © Niven Photography

Our strategic priorities include:

  1. Driving action toward deforestation-free financial portfolios by 2030, including through building momentum around COP30 in Belém
  2. Ensuring the integration of nature into strong climate transition plans, aligned with global targets – including through guidance, metrics and showcasing leadership
  3. Deepening and linking best-in-class data on forests and nature and keeping that data open to all
  4. Supporting and strengthening key laws and governmental action on deforestation and nature
  5. Triage, Transition and Transformation: facilitating a joined up journey to nature recovery
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