
Helen Bellfield in the House of Commons

Campaigning for global laws to stop deforestation

Inaction over the last decade has shown that voluntary measures alone are not enough to halt deforestation. For change at the speed and scale necessary, we need regulation. Over the last few years Global Canopy has actively campaigned for effective due diligence legislation. We regularly speak to politicians at events in the EU and the UK Parliaments and have provided evidence and feedback to both the European Union Deforestation Regulation (EUDR) and the UK Environment Act.

Several harvesters in a field collecting soy beans

Providing practical solutions

As regulations develop we provide expertise to lawmakers. Our Trase programme worked alongside Proforest to publish recommendations for establishing a fair and effective risk benchmarking system to underpin the EUDR. Trase has also worked with the French government, creating an interactive risk assessment dashboard for the Ministry of Ecological Transition to increase supply chain transparency and encourage action by companies to decouple imports of soy from the risk of contributing to deforestation.



Scottish Parliamentary Building iStock-525640999

Working with other NGOs

We work with other not-for-profit organisations to keep pressure on politicians to act. We are part of the NGO Forest Coalition helping organise the All Party Parliamentary Group on Global Deforestation in the UK. Trase has also worked with Global Witness highlighting the damage caused to tropical forests because of a lack of progress on the US Forest Act.

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