
Assessing nature-related issues in infrastructure projects in line with the TNFD’s LEAP approach – webinar featuring AECOM and Nature-based Insights

Watch this webinar recording to hear how global infrastructure consulting firm AECOM, supported by Nature-based Insights, approached assessing its nature-related issues in infrastructure projects across Asia, as part of a programme to pilot the Taskforce on Nature-related Financial Disclosures’ LEAP approach.

  • When: 30 Jan 2024, 09:30-10:30 GMT
  • Where: Online
  • Online
  • Corporate commitments
  • Financial markets

Global infrastructure consulting firm AECOM took part in a programme run by Global Canopy in 2023 to pilot the Taskforce on Nature-related Financial Disclosures (TNFD) recommendations prior to the launch of the final recommendations in September.

With support from technical expert consultancy Nature-based Insights and Global Canopy, AECOM piloted the TNFD’s LEAP approach to identify and assess its nature-related issues. The pilot focused on undertaking a high-level screening of AECOM’s infrastructure projects in Asia.

Watch the webinar recording

In this educational webinar, AECOM, Global Canopy and Nature-based Insights discuss:

  • Getting started with the TNFD recommendations
  • The business case for assessing nature-related issues in the infrastructure sector
  • Technical details of how AECOM and Nature-based Insights applied the TNFD’s LEAP approach
  • The role of Environmental Impact Assessments in respect to the TNFD
  • How AECOM plans to build on what it learned during the pilot programme

The webinar also includes a short Q&A session.


  • Ash Welch, Senior Biodiversity Specialist – Biodiversity Lead, AECOM
  • Francisco Amorim, Senior Researcher, Nature-based Insights
  • Moderated by Marianne Haahr, Nature-related Finance Director, Global Canopy

Global Canopy is a founding partner of the TNFD, and was an official piloting organisation for the TNFD prior to the launch of the TNFD final recommendations. It continues to provide technical expertise to the TNFD, and to build capacity among businesses and financial institutions, preparing them to get started with adopting the TNFD recommendations.

  • When: 30 Jan 2024, 09:30-10:30 GMT
  • Where: Online

Language: English

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