
COP28: Protecting nature: the NDCs, the laws and the data that can drive change

Global Canopy's official side event at COP28!

  • When: 8 Dec 2023, 16:45-18:15 GST
  • Where: SE room 6, Blue Zone, Expo City, Dubai
  • In person
  • Online
  • Biodiversity
  • Climate

The IPCC is clear. There is no path to net zero without protecting and restoring nature. Countries, companies and financial institutions must seize this chance. Actionable NDCs, effective laws and good data can drive nature-positive decision-making to help us meet our climate goals.

Global Canopy hosted the official COP 28 side with Institute Society, Population and Nature (ISPN) and National Wildlife Federation (NWF) to show how protecting nature must be at the heart of any climate solutions.

Speakers included:

  • Francisco Beduschi, Brazil lead, National Wildlife Federation
  • Guilherme Eidt, Public Policy and Advocacy Coordinator, ISPN
  • Edie Juno, Policy Expert, National Wildlife Federation
  • André Vasconcelos, Global Engagement Lead, Global Canopy
  • Pei Chi Wong, Senior Research Associate, Global Canopy

  • When: 8 Dec 2023, 16:45-18:15 GST
  • Where: SE room 6, Blue Zone, Expo City, Dubai

Language: English

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