
London Climate Action Week: The Race is On: Net Zero & Nature Positive for Climate Action (afternoon session)

Join online for Climate Champions Team Deforestation Advisory Group event at LCAW.

  • When: 26 Jun 2023, 14:30-17:00 BST
  • Where: Online
  • In person
  • Online
  • Biodiversity
  • Climate
  • Corporate commitments

Global Canopy and partners including the Climate Champions Team, Conservation International, Global Optimism, Nature4Climate Coalition, and WEF Tropical Forest Alliance, Global Commons Alliance, Principles for Responsible Investment, World Business Council for Sustainable Development and UNEP Finance Initiative hosted an event as part of London Climate Action Week on accelerating nature positive action, increasing connectivity and nature target-setting and frameworks.

2023 is a decisive year in a decisive decade to tackle the climate and biodiversity crises together. The 2015 Paris Agreement on climate change is now complemented and strengthened by the 2022 Kunming-Montréal Global Biodiversity Framework (GBF), and provides a roadmap for governments and non-state actors to address biodiversity loss. We know that there is no net-zero without protecting nature, and that by 2030 we must halve global emissions, reverse biodiversity loss and enhance climate resilience.


14:30 – 17:00 BST: Nature Positive for Climate Action (afternoon session)

Join us in the afternoon for a discussion on accelerating nature positive action, increasing connectivity and nature target-setting and frameworks.

17:00 BST: Reception

All guests are welcome to join us for an evening reception with drinks and nibbles at the Conduit following the event.

You can watch the event recording below.

  • When: 26 Jun 2023, 14:30-17:00 BST
  • Where: Online

Language: English

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