
The Deforestation Action Tracker 2023: an essential stocktake of finance sector action on deforestation

Watch the launch webinar recording of the Deforestation Action Tracker 2023.

  • When: 27 Nov 2023, 15:00-15:45 GMT
  • Online
  • Climate
  • Financial markets
  • Human rights

On Monday 27 November, Global Canopy released the 2023 Deforestation Action Tracker findings and report. 

Following our 2022 baseline assessment report, this year’s Deforestation Action Tracker assessed over 700 financial institutions on their action on deforestation, conversion, and associated human rights abuses, which are an essential component of any net-zero strategy.

The launch webinar covered the main findings of the report, including how The Glasgow Financial Alliance for Net Zero (GFANZ) members have performed, who are the biggest movers, and where there are pockets of progress and cause for optimism.

Watch the launch webinar recording

Panellists included:

  • Alex Reid, Senior Global Policy Advisor, Global Witness
  • Puninda Thind, Finance Nature Lead, Climate Champions
  • Emma Thomson, Forest 500 and Tracking Lead at Global Canopy
  • Moderated by David Shukman, former BBC News Science Editor
  • When: 27 Nov 2023, 15:00-15:45 GMT

Language: English

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