
Webinar: Forest IQ launch

Join us for the launch of Forest IQ!

  • When: 1 Nov 2023, 17:30 GMT
  • Online
  • Biodiversity
  • Climate
  • Corporate commitments
  • Financial markets

Forest IQ is a powerful new data platform for financial institutions that for the first time brings together aligned, best-in-class, and actionable data on how more than 2,000 major companies are addressing their links to deforestation.

Backed by a partnership of NGOs with decades of experience on deforestation, Forest IQ assesses companies and financial institutions against three core metrics: on exposure, materiality and reported performance – that have been developed in close consultation with major financial institutions. These indicators map to a large number of datasets, enabling banks and investors to undertake in-depth analysis and more effective engagement with high-risk companies.

The launch event offered insights on how data can enable financial institutions to identify risks and opportunities across the commodity value chain – and help them to deliver deforestation-free portfolios. A recording of the launch is now available.

Forest IQ was created by Global Canopy, the Stockholm Environment Institute and The Zoological Society of London (ZSL), with a working group of 10 financial institutions, including banks and asset managers.

Watch the launch of Forest IQ
The launch of Forest IQ is also available as a podcast. Listen now.

Panellists include:

  • Danielle Carreira, Head of Finance Sector Engagement, Tropical Forest Alliance at World Economic Forum
  • Gemma Corrigan, Head of Public Policy and Advocacy, Federated Hermes
  • Emily McKenzie, Technical Director, TNFD
  • Eugenie Mathieu, Earth Lead, Aviva Investors
  • Tim Steinweg, Head of Stewardship, Nature, PRI
  • When: 1 Nov 2023, 17:30 GMT

Language: English

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