Felipe Werneck/Ibama via flickr

Fighting deforestation with data

Insight / 21 Jul 2021

What does Global Canopy do to help tackle crises like climate change or biodiversity loss?

Global Canopy is proud to be one of the six organisations in the Global Returns Project’s portfolio of today’s best environmental not-for-profits. Watch Niki Mardas, Global Canopy Executive Director in interview with the Global Return Project, answer three questions about our work:

  • How does Global Canopy’s work help tackle crises like climate change or biodiversity loss?
  • What is a Global Canopy accomplishment that you’re particularly proud of?
  • Why is Global Canopy partnering with the Global Returns Project?

Financing for the most influential high-risk companies linked to deforestation worth

$2.7 trillion

comes from financial institutions which haven't set deforestation policies

The Global Returns Project encourages individuals to commit a tiny proportion of their savings and investments annually to its portfolio of climate and biodiversity solutions. Doing so represents an important step towards addressing environmental emergencies and thereby protecting medium and long-term financial returns.

The Global Returns Project also plant a tree for every subscriber to their mailing list.

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