Sky News

43% of the Forest 500 companies and financial institutions do not have a commitment on deforestation

News / 27 Jan 2021

Global Canopy launched the latest Forest 500 report last week and our Executive Director, Niki Mardas, discussed the key findings on Sky News

Webinar launch of the 2020 Forest 500 data and assessments. Including (left to right): Ian Welsh, Sarah Rogerson, Barbara Wettstein, Emma Thomson, Niki Mardas and Johan Verburg.

Almost half of the most influential companies and financial institutions in forest-risk supply chains are still not doing enough to end deforestation in supply chains, according to the latest Forest 500 assessments. These companies and financiers are assessed annually on the strength and implementation of their voluntary commitments and policies to address deforestation, including their reporting on progress. The new findings were shared at a webinar including guest speakers from Nestlé and Rabobank.

Niki Mardas, Executive Director of Global Canopy, featured on Sky News to talk about some of the key findings of the report:

  • 43% of the Forest 500 companies and financial institutions do not have a commitment on deforestation.
  • Four out of five of the world’s biggest investors, including BlackRock, have no policies on deforestation.
  • But there are companies which are taking the issue seriously, such as Unilever and Marks and Spencer.
Time for change: Delivering deforestation-free supply chains report cover

Read more about the latest Forest 500 report, ‘Time for change: Delivering deforestation-free supply chains‘, and download it now.

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