Eduardo Aigner, WWF-Brasil

Hidden deforestation in the Brazil-China beef and leather trade

Publication / 13 Aug 2019

Cattle ranching is the leading direct driver of deforestation and other native vegetation clearance in Brazil, and some international beef and leather supply chains are linked to these impacts. China (including Hong Kong) is Brazil’s biggest importer of beef and leather, and many companies linked to this trade are exposed to deforestation risk. We identify 43 companies globally that are particularly exposed to the deforestation risk associated with the Brazil-China beef and leather trade and have the potential to reduce these risks. Most of these companies have not yet published sustainable sourcing policies to address this risk. Most appear unable to guarantee that their supply chains are deforestation-free, because they, or a supplier, lack a strong policy.

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The above image is used courtesy of Eduardo Aigner, under a Creative Commons license.

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