Towards more sustainability in the soy supply chain: How can EU actors support zero deforestation and SDG efforts?

Publication / 18 Dec 2019

Soy is a major driver of deforestation and degradation in Latin America and accounts for 47 per cent of the EU’s imported deforestation from agricultural and livestock commodities. It is also associated with social injustice and acts as driver of environmental degradation that hinders the achievement of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).

Global Canopy and the Sustainable Development Solutions Network supported Climate Focus in this study aimed at developing recommendations on how to improve the sustainability of the EU’s soy supply chain.

The soy supply chain is global, crossing many country borders across its production and processing levels. Addressing the negative impacts of the soy supply chain and associated spillover effects requires global, national and subnational policy instruments and initiatives in both soy producing and consuming countries.

Based on an analysis of relevant stakeholders and policy instruments, this report presents a number of policy recommendations for the EU and Germany on how to address negative impacts of soy production, processing and trade.

Read the report on Climate Focus’s website or download below.

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