Unless markets take meaningful action, the Amazon will continue to be destroyed

4 Aug 2020

Global Canopy’s Executive Director, Niki Mardas, comments on latest figures on the Amazon fires

Commenting on official figures from Brazil showing a 28% increase in the number of fires in the Amazon region in July compared with the same month last year, Niki Mardas, Executive Director of Global Canopy, said:

“Last year’s fires in the Amazon shocked the world. Yet fires are up 28% on this time last year, we’re seeing even bigger rises in deforestation, and coronavirus is impacting indigenous communities across the region with brutal force. It’s a horrific situation, which we are all connected to.

“More companies and financial institutions need to follow the few real leaders, making clear commitments and taking real action to eliminate deforestation from their supply chains and investments.

“These latest shocking figures tell a clear story: unless markets take meaningful action, the Amazon will continue to be destroyed.”

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