Adrilane Oliveira

Adrilane Oliveira

Sustainable Finance Research Associate

Email: [email protected]

Adrilane is a Sustainable Finance Research Associate.

With a PhD in Development and International Cooperation, she has a solid background in Sustainable Development in the Amazon, focused on Sustainable Finance. Her work centres on economic analysis to boost Ecosystem Services and the implementation of Economic Instruments to strengthen Low-Carbon Agriculture, particularly in the soybean and livestock value chains in the Cerrado and Amazon regions. She has experience in Financial Mechanisms, Sustainable Agricultural Practices, Carbon Market, REDD+, and Agribusiness Supply Chain, with a focus on Soybeans, Cattle, and Biodiesel.

Adrilane also holds a BA in French Language and Literature from the University of Brasilia and runs a social project teaching French to young people in Sol Nascente, the biggest favela in Latin America.