Financing Sustainable Landscapes and Unlocking Forest Finance

Financing Sustainable Landscapes was a Global Canopy project which developed the investment case for the transition to sustainable agriculture. As part of this project, three Amazonian regions in Brazil and Peru were pioneering innovative investment plans to boost agricultural production, protect forests and reduce carbon emissions.

This project ended in March 2019, but you can still view the related publications:

Safeguarding and Environmental & Social Impact Framework

There were three steps to the Safeguarding and Environmental & Social Impact Framework devised through the work.

Proposition of activities as part of the transition plan -> Selection of activities to be part of the portfolio ->Positive impact assurance for selected activities [implementation phase]
Relevance of the proposed intervention for environmental, social & economic purposes, noting that all profit generating interventions need to have – at least – a core environmental or social component and the chain of impact to deliver that impact needs to be plausible.Definition of key criteria and critical indicators in terms of risk and benefits to assess the social and environmental impact of proposed activities.Based on an assessment of existing environmental standards and certifications, specify codes of conduct that set the requirements for (improvements in) management practices are farm level.
Participatory inclusive process with stakeholder consultations and workshops to define sustainable transition scenarios.Environmental and Social Impact Assessment [ESIA] for each proposed activityEnvironmental and social monitoring framework to verify positive impacts and for non-financial reporting to investors [this monitoring framework needs to report in a verifiable way on higher level targets such as zero deforestation and more specific targets such as reduced use of toxics, waste management, among others].
Collection of reliable data within time/resource boundaries for each proposed activity.If possible, estimation of ecosystem services impact for each activity [not always feasible]
Identification of general risks and challenges for financing sustainable landscapes, to be taken into account.Multi-criteria decision analysis (MCDA) to prioritise activities with highest impact potential on many dimensions.
Based on the ESIA, identification of no-goes – i.e. activities where risks are too high and negative impacts not easily mitigable.
Identification of mitigable risks and opportunities to address them.
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