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A new platform for Trase’s intelligence on supply chain sustainability

News / 16 Sep 2020

The new Trase Insights platform, part of our joint initiative with the Stockholm Environment Institute, makes accessing our data-driven content easier than ever

Today, Global Canopy and our partners at the Stockholm Environment Institute are pleased to be launching a new platform on that enables users to explore and read all our data-driven content in one place.

Trase data, insights and visualisations are used by major global companies, financial institutions and governments worldwide to help them understand their exposure to deforestation-risk in their supply chains, and to take positive action. Our research is also used by campaigning organisations and the media to shine a light on where urgent action is still needed.

The Trase Insights platform is the new home for all our latest content, arranged under distinct categories. ‘Discoveries’ provide quick takeaways on critical new pieces of data. ‘Insights’ showcase expert analysis by our researchers. And ‘Explainers’ offer an introduction to a topic, commodity or country. These content types, and the search functionality on the new platform, offer clear and easy entry points into the data and intelligence provided by Trase The platform also provides a go-to repository of all the research papers, briefs and in-depth case studies published by the Trase team.

Today we’ve published three new Insights – these are listed below. Keep an eye on the Trase Insights page, or sign up for updates, for more over the coming days and weeks, including from our forthcoming Trase Finance initiative.

Trase data can help tackle global extinction crisis

As shown on the BBC’s Extinction: The Facts, Trase is enabling targeted action that is making a real difference. Greater regulatory pressure and private sector leadership is now needed

China’s imported deforestation risk from Brazilian beef imports

Through targeted engagement with a handful of traders and local governments, China could significantly reduce deforestation risks associated with its Brazilian beef imports.

Spotlight on Brazilian soy exports to France

High concentration of soy-related deforestation-risk in a handful of companies and municipalities offers an opportunity for a targeted approach by France and other European countries.

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