Understanding Forest Bonds

Publication / 1 Jul 2011

Understanding Forest Bonds is a non-technical guide to forest bonds and how they can help raise the USD tens of billions needed annually by 2020 in order to halve the rate of tropical deforestation by that year.

It explains how bonds can be used to ‘frontload’ finance for planning, implementing and monitoring the conservation and sustainable use of tropical forests, so that these essential steps can be taken far sooner than would be possible if we wait for all other available mechanisms to be put in place.

In addition to describing the different types of bond that can be used and how they would function, the authors also provide helpful insight into who might invest and which bonds could work best in different tropical forest regions, given the wide variation in their credit and political risk ratings.

Understanding Forest Bonds was generously supported by: The Prince Albert II of Monaco Foundation, The Climate and Land Use Alliance, British Airways, Synchronicity Earth

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