Code of conduct for staff, suppliers or partners

1. Introduction

This code explains the values, principles and acceptable behaviours that Global Canopy (GC) believes are important. It is meant to give clarity to GC’s staff, partners, suppliers, volunteers and other stakeholders about what are and are not acceptable ways of going about our work.

If you have a concern related to GC’s work or want to make a complaint, then details on how to do this are provided here, including how you can expect GC to respond.

2. Global Canopy’s values

GC exists to end the large-scale destruction of tropical forests and other natural capital that we all depend on. Our values express how we work with each other, our partners and all those we seek to engage with and influence. GC’s work should be carried out in a way which promotes its values and protects its reputation.

Entrepreneurial – creative and action-oriented
We develop bold new ideas to catalyse system-wide change.

Impactful – learning and partnerships
We learn from what works, hold ourselves and others accountable, and work in collaboration with others.

Inclusive – value diversity
We celebrate diversity, value teamwork, and support individuals to fulfil their potential.

Clear – communicate effectively
We listen actively, think critically, and communicate with clarity.

3. Values in practice

The following principles guide the application of our values:

  • We abide by laws, regulations and relevant voluntary codes – always seeking to apply best practice for an organisation of our kind.
  • We do not tolerate bullying or harassment. We won’t accept and will take action to deal with behaviour which intimidates, undermines, is racist, or sexualises others.
  • We operate a “no-surprises” approach to feedback: If there is any feedback, we share it promptly and are supportive of efforts to improve.
  • We work to ensure the safety of children and other vulnerable people is protected at all times. Further detail is given in our safeguarding statement.

4. Specific behaviours

For the sake of clarity, the following behaviours are prohibited under GC’s code of conduct:

  • Behaving in a way which threatens the safety or security of yourself or others.
  • Behaviour which is reckless or causes unnecessary risk to the organisation’s property or assets.
  • Drinking alcohol or using other substances in a way that reduces your ability to do your job or affects the reputation of the organisation.
  • Seeking benefit for oneself, one’s family or family contacts from our organisation’s business or assets.
  • Failure to disclose potential or perceived conflicts of interest. We do not tolerate bribery.
  • Having sexual relations with someone under the age of 18, or exchanging money, employment, goods or services for sexual favours.
  • Using the organisation’s computer or other equipment to view, download, create or distribute inappropriate material, such as pornography.

Changes to our code of conduct

We keep this code of conduct under review and will place any updates on our website. This code was last reviewed in March 2024.

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