Safeguarding statement


This safeguarding statement serves to capture the consideration that Global Canopy (GC) and its board have given to safeguarding. It is reviewed on an annual basis, alongside GC’s risk register.

It outlines GC’s approach to the issue of safeguarding risk – including compliance with FCDO’s Enhanced Safeguarding Standards.

Safeguarding statement

There are no factors which would lead to an increased safeguarding risk for GC. This is because GC’s work does not bring staff, agents or suppliers into contact with children, vulnerable adults or others who would be a safeguarding risk beyond that found in normal relationships between people – such as colleagues working together. The research nature of GC’s work means that there are no direct individual beneficiaries.

GC recruits and retains staff who have and are expected to maintain high professional standards. This is supported by having appropriate recruitment, training and staff management practices and policies which embed these standards.

GC recognises that we have a duty to the wider community, not just direct beneficiaries. We have arrangements in place to ensure that we contribute to a culture of respect, doing no harm and promoting safeguarding as a standard way of working.

GC believes that the best protector of these standards is a culture of respect for others, openness about problems and a willingness to consider alternative viewpoints in order to improve our work and increase the real impact in the world. This drives success in our work, and also supports respect for the people we work with, and the avoidance of harm.

Safeguarding leads

The named safeguarding officer at board level is:

This person is supported on the management by:

  • Ronald Bwanika Kansere, Finance and Operations Director
  • Email: [email protected]
  • Office phone: 01865 724 333

These people take a lead on safeguarding arrangements within the organisation, which includes review of risks, appropriate training, appropriate action in the event of a safeguarding concern being raised and support to anyone who raises such a concern.

Procedure in the event of safeguarding concerns

If any staff member or other party has a safeguarding concern the following guidance is given:

  • We expect all staff members to raise any safeguarding issues or concerns. This does not compel people to reveal situations where they are the victim, or to breach another victim’s confidence, unless the safety of a child or vulnerable adult is in question.
  • Concerns need not be about specific action. If something could lead to an increased safeguarding risk then it must be raised / addressed.
  • Issues or concerns must be raised with either of the above mentioned safeguarding officers. Alternative avenues are to contact the Executive Director, a Leadership Team member, and a member of the HR Team.
  • Any allegations or concerns will be acted on swiftly and will be clearly recorded. They will always be raised with the Executive Director and with the board level safeguarding officer – unless those people are implicated.
  • If someone is thought to have committed a crime, the police will be contacted. We will ensure we comply with local law if incidents occur outside of the UK.
  • Support will be provided to anyone making allegations.
  • Confidentiality is to be maintained. You should be aware that at the time of raising allegations, there is a risk that abuse can increase its intensity.

FCDO Enhanced Safeguarding Standards

The annual review of this safeguarding statement also reviews that GC complies with the Enhanced Safeguarding Standards issued by FCDO last updated in November 2022.

Changes to our safeguarding statement

We keep this safeguarding statement under review and will place any updates on our website. This statement was last reviewed in March 2024.

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