Freya Bannochie

Freya Bannochie

Forest IQ Lead

Email: [email protected]

Freya joined Global Canopy in August 2023 to look after all things Forest IQ. Freya is responsible for the evolution of Forest IQ and ensuring that the tool best meets the needs of financial institutions and other stakeholders. Prior to joining Global Canopy, Freya worked across UK sustainable finance issues, with a special focus on policy and fiduciary duty, at the UN-supported Principles For Responsible Investment (PRI). Before this she worked on sustainability projects with SMEs through her own consultancy and has spent time at both pensions and investor relations firms.

Freya has a degree in Biological Anthropology from Durham University and continues an active interest in ecology and biological sciences as a member of the Royal Society of Biology.

Aside from a love of nature, Freya enjoys reading (mysteries and whodunits are her favourite), trying new food and exploring new places – particularly those with moody weather and cosy cafes.