Gillian McCusker

Gillian McCusker

Senior Nature-related Finance Analyst

Email: [email protected]

Gillian is a climate scientist by trade. After a 9-year stint in academia working on climate models and Arctic climate change, she moved to the ClimateTech startup world as a science communication specialist to bridge the gap between science and action from the private sector. Driven by breaking down knowledge and implementation barriers, she has worked at the commercial interface with corporates as a subject matter expert on climate, gaining extensive experience on communicating complex scientific concepts to non-technical audiences.

At Global Canopy, she leads the education and learning effort for the ENCORE (Exploring Natural Capital Opportunities, Risks and Exposure) tool, focusing on empowering ENCORE’s users to embed nature into their everyday decision-making.

In her spare time, Gillian enjoys crocheting, practising yoga, and exploring the countryside with her husband and rescue greyhound, Canbi.