Danielle Carreira

Danielle Carreira

Danielle Carreira is an environment and sustainable finance specialist and brings over fifteen years’ experience developing and implementing multi-stakeholder initiatives that helps the global finance sector to understand and integrate environmental risks and opportunities into investment and lending processes.

As Head of Finance Sector Engagement at the Tropical Forest Alliance, an initiative hosted by the WEF, she is responsible for the strategic development, implementation and coordination of a platform, that brings together public policy makers, financial institutions, global companies and commodity producers from key countries, towards an inclusive and collective action agenda to reduce deforestation and accelerate the transition towards more sustainable land use practices.

Danielle has previously worked at the Principle for Responsible Investment (PRI), the Natural Capital Finance Alliance, Trucost, FTSE Russel, Reuters and Bloomberg.

She has co-authored the report ‘Natural Capital Risk Exposure of the Finance Sector in Brazil’ in 2015 and ‘The State of Finance for Nature’, published in May 2021. Her most recent publication, in 2022, was the co-authoring of a chapter for the Brazil CFA Society book “Novas fronteiras de risco e retorno – Guia prático para integração ESG nos investimentos”. Danielle holds an MA in International Finance and a BSc in Economic Sciences.